Three to see - Chicago Public Radio
No 2 to see this week is at the Masters Gallery. Not masters as in old masters, the Thomas masters gallery on North Avenue. Let me tell you about the artist. She shows there beginning tomorrow. Born in Chicago, she took to the arts as just a little girl. And her father took her to the galleries in River North. We should all be so lucky, right? Danielle Klinenberg had an uncle in Paris, on the Ile Saint Louis. She spent summers there with him. Quel chance. That is real luck. Anyway, later she lived in Mexico, and Florence, Italy, not Alabama. Because, she says living where they don’t speak English opens up your senses. In college Klinenberg studied art. But what really affected her was dance. She says that through dance she learned about the richness of space, and about moving through space. And I tell you this because you can see it in her watercolors. They’re abstract. Swirling colors – light blues, ochres, greens and browns. Just sort of vaporous. Miasmic. She says she wants you to get lost in them. And you do. Danielle Klinenberg, Close-Up. It’s about 20 watercolors. Opens tomorrow. At Thomas Masters. What a nice place for her to get some exposure. But, you know, these days when an artist asks me ‘how can I get famous?’ I don’t say ‘gallery shows’. I say ‘product placement. Get your paintings hung on the set of a blockbuster Hollywood Blockbuster movie’. That’s the way to go. Danielle Klinenberg’s are, on the set of ‘The Break-Up’. When I asked her what she thinks about, that Klinenberg says ‘its very helpful.
Edward Lifson
Chicago Public Radio’s Arts Editor
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